- This component allows users to increment or decrement a value by clicking + and - signs on stepper.
Stepper | Apple Developer Documentation
A control that performs increment and decrement actions.
- We can use a stepper to:
- Change a value up or down by 1
- Operate strictly over a prescribed range.
- Step by specific amounts over a stepper’s range of possible values
1. Create Stepper
Stepper("Stepper", value: Binding<Strideable>)
what is Strideable?
A type representing continuous, one-dimensional values that can be offset and measured.
You can use a type that conforms to the Strideable
protocol with the stride(from:to:by:)
and stride(from:through:by:)
functions. For example, you can use stride(from:to:by:)
to iterate over an interval of floating-point values:
- Create an integer variable with value 10, and bind it into value: with $ sign
@State var stepperValue: Int = 10
var body: some View {
Stepper("Stepper", value: $stepperValue)
- add a variable inside the text, using \(variable)
Stepper("Stepper: \(stepperValue)", value $stepperValue).padding(20)
2. Create new stepper
We will create a rectangle that changes the size by clicking the stepper
- Choose a stepper with onIncrement and onDecrement
Stepper("Stepper 2") {
} onDecrement: {
- Create integer 0 variable
@State var add: Int = 0
- Add
into a rounded rectangle width
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25.0)
.frame(width: 100 + CGFloat(add), height: 100)
- add variable into the increment and decrement
Stepper("Stepper 2") {
add += 10
} onDecrement: {
add -= 10
- Add easeInOut animation to Stepper by creating outside function
func incrementWidth(amount: CGFloat){
add += Int(amount)
Stepper("Stepper 2") {
incrementWidth(amount: 10)
} onDecrement: {
incrementWidth(amount: -10)
Stepper enables users to increase or decrease a value by clicking the + and - signs.
The view element can be edited or modified smoothly using withAnimation.
- I have been busy with rescheduling aspects of my married life.
I'm uncertain about the product number as Fynn hasn't requested a spec sheet for that product yet.