- Less popular than alert and sheet.
- Another way of presenting bunch of buttons.
- context menu is not used that much, because it’s hidden.
- It’s only visible when user long press the screen.
1. Create a VStack
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10.0){
Image(systemName: "house.fill")
Text("0 to Vision Pro")
Text("How to use Context Menu")
.padding(.all, 20.0)
2. Add contextMenu()
Text("Menu Item 1")
Text("Menu Item 2")
Text("Menu Item 3")
3. Replace to button
Button(action: {print("HELLO")}, label: {
Label("Button 1", systemImage: "flame.fill")
- Context menu only accept Text and Image.
4. Increase # of Like
@State private var Counter: Int = 0
Button(action: {Counter += 1}
- Present a group of buttons is through a context menu.
- It's not widely used as it's hidden and only visible through a long press.
- Context menu also accepts a list of labels, each consisting of an icon and a title.
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